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viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

Escultruas de madera (wood sculptures)

Estas son 3 de las obras que integran la serie "De la tierra roja" y que formaron parte de la muestra que presenté para mi tesis de licenciatura. La priemra se llama "Tereré por medio", la segunda "Tacua Kama" y la tercera "Yerba Ponchada".

These are 3 of the wood sculpture from the serie "De la tierra roja" (from the red land) and they were part of te exhibition of my thesis. The first one is called "Tereré por medio" (tereré bethen). The tereré is a traditional drink from my province and Paraguay, also knows as cold mate. The second one is called "Tacua Kama", thats is a dance of the guaraní tribe. And the last one is called "Yerba ponchada", that is when the yerba mate harvesters join all the yerba leaves into a big bag, and ut then on the trunks to the transfer.

Dibujos (draws)

Algunos dibujos en lápiz.
Some draws, using pencil.